Oral / Poster Presentation
How is pure aortic valve regurgitation currently performing? A scope from the experience in transcatheter aortic valve replacement

Introduction: Transcatheter aortic valve replacement has overtime expanded in patients with aortic valve regurgitation in patients in whom surgical replacement is not feasible. We present a case series of patients who underwent the procedure in Colombia.

Methods: A retrospective data recollection of the database was made excluding any kind of aortic stenosis. Demographic, clinical and procedure variables were considered, as well as the survival rates after the procedure.

Results: 22 patients underwent TAVR from 2016 to 2023, 50% were female and the mean age was 72 years. Mean LVEF was 40% and NYHA class was 2,5. Two patients died during the procedure, one patient (4,5%) embolized the valve into the descending aorta. Annual mortality rate was 13,3%

Conclusion: TAVR is a feasible alternative option in patients with AVR in whom surgical risk or comorbidities contraindicates SAVR.